So we’re a couple of days into March already! This year is flying by. Here’s a quick rundown of the month so far and a couple of highlight photos!
A friend from school has asked me to do a wedding. This will actually be my first wedding shoot I’m pretty nervous about so any of you photographers that happen to stop by I’d love to hear a few tips. I’ve done events previously and street photos but to actually take photos for someone’s special day applies a different kind of pressure.
You guys know I’ve set the target of writing one blog per month I’ve smashed it this month with the Raw studios networking event with Tash and Ellie (check the links if you missed them) I’m always looking for feedback so if you check out my blogs feel free to drop me a DM, comment on the post or email me ect. I do all of these on my own so your feedback is so valuable to me. Even if it’s a spelling mistake every little helps!
Travellers and holiday lovers! I’ve got a £15 discount on any hotels you book with awesome if you want to save a little cash I know a few travel bloggers and photographers are always looking for discounts for this kind of thing. Sign up to my newsletter if you want more discounts that I acquire as I create more and more content and gain a few more followers and readers etc.

Salisbury Cathedral taken in 2018
Random tipbit:
When I first started a friend in the photography business said not to become a busy fool! It can get quite difficult to see real opportunities with people that can bring you value and people that just want freebies. If your going to collaborate make sure you know the person well or the content they’re bringing inspires you or you can see potential for your own growth through it.
Massive congrats to Sean Duggan for being nominated for rising star in the Birmingham music awards